I'm back! It's been a very busy time. Not so much anymore ;-). Rather than stressing about a post with a zillion pics, I thought I'd list a bunch of things that make me happy/feel grateful. Nearest & Dearest is interested in positive psychology, and has shown me evidence that listing 3 good things each day is super good for your mental (and physical) health. And it really seems to work, though I'm not disciplined enough to do it everyday.
ANYWAY, here's a little list of good things happening RIGHT NOW:
My marking (grading) is OVER for the year! Hurrah! The job is mack to very manageable and enjoyable.
I now have Tuesdays off with Foxy, and because of the above, I am able to completely devote myself to "homey" stuff on Tuesdays.
I have NEW YARN for 3 NEW PROJECTS. (Guilt-free because I finished all those UFOs last month, yay me). This makes me so happy. I have been fondling said yarn a lot, and have cast on for two of the new projects. More on those later.
Summer has returned to the British Isles!
Even though he has now been diagnosed with hay fever as well as "asthma-like-symptoms," Foxy remains the most cheerful, happy toddler. A few older people (we tend to chat on buses, especially) have independently said that he has a joyful soul. Very well put. He's fab, I wouldn't change him for the world.
Nearest & Dearest will be going down to 4 days per week from September to spend Thursdays with Foxy. They will both enjoy it so much, and I will be able to stay late for our (childcare unfriendly) departmental seminars.
Foxy is showing a bit of preference for Nearest & Dearest these days. To think I was worried about them bonding. I just love watching them doing stuff together. Peas in a pod.
Don't worry, I'm still my same shallow self. Here's some trashy stuff:
We have changed from Tesco delivery (oh the shame!) to Ocado. Yes, it makes me happy to see those Waitrose labels about my kitchen. (Only one slight hiccup -- we now have about 20 bananas because I ordered 4 BUNCHES thinking I was ordering 4 singles....oops).
Our latest box set is Dexter. It's no West Wing, but pretty darn good. Such a satisfying premise. Kill the bas****s.
I love our evening routine with Foxy. So samey, so secure. He is totally into In the Night Garden from 6 - 6:25. If we are fairly confident, we let this be a naked noodle time. I am tickled that he seems to pay particular attention to his willy whenever Upsy-Daisy comes on screen. She's not my kind of girl, but you can't have it all.
Lastly, I am grateful that Foxy is such a good sleeper. I love that he still has at least 2 hours of naps during the day so that I can do this, and think about what I might bake today, or knit, or maybe do some gardening (ha, ha, AS IF!)
Have a great Tuesday. It really works!