Thomas John Williams arrived at 10:15 on Monday morning, weighing in at a respectable 7 lbs. As planned, he arrived by Caesarian section because of placenta previa. It was a drama, but everyone is doing really well now.
The best bit was hearing Thomas cry as soon as he was pulled out, and the second best bit was hearing the midwife pronounce him perfect. He really is. He came out a lovely bright pink colour, with all systems go. Because of the drama happening with Sian, I got to hold him for his first hour of life - a wonderful distraction.
He looks amazingly like Harry did. We keep calling him Harry by mistake. I think it's lovely that they will definitely look like brothers.
Anyway, here's a before shot of the patient:
Looks ok, right? Not so much. Words you don't want to hear from a surgeon, "I need more hands NOW!" Terrifying. Poor Sian, they were bashing the table about as well, trying to get a balloon in her womb to stop the bleeding. As well as placenta previa they found once in that her ute is tilted awkwardly, and that she had placenta acreta (sp?), which basically means it is well stuck into the muscle wall, hence all the bleeding. From what I could gate, they would have whipped out the womb, but another surgeon quote, "we can't, it's stuck to the bowel." anyway, in the end they stitched the womb, and stemmed the bleeding. Phew. She did need a transfusion in the end, but other than that, Sian's recovery has been unaffected. Every doctor and midwife who reads her notes seem quite amazed/baffled that she is recovering so quickly and well. HURRAH.
Here's a few more early photos.
Scrubs suit me, no?
That amazing ball sack has shrunk back into proportion now, in case you were wondering.
He's a keeper!