My latest assignment began like many others, in the death-grip of a boisterous three-year-old.
The first worrying sign was the boy's attire. The trousers were a pale pink. "Spare" preschool clothing. The second sign of laissez-faire parenting was the bright pink shoes. All well and good for a Brighton boy, but with two mums, surely this child deserves a break.
The journey home was ecologically sound. A jolly bus journey:
However the flagrant disregard for disabled signage does make a dragon wonder what other societal dictates are being ignored.
I was pleasantly surprised by the hospitality shown to us at tea-time, though I must report a degree of flippancy clearly undermining nutritional concerns.
Playtime also provided insights. Unfortunately the rumours were true.
Learning opportunities are limited here. There is only so much that can be gained by playing trains, and playing trains, and playing trains, and playing trains...
I was pleasantly surprised when our toothbrushes were unearthed.
The level of excitement may have been indicative of novelty, but I am willing to give this family the benefit of the doubt, for now.
In summary, I grant this family a "bare pass," as long as the boy maintains regular attendance under the care of preschool professionals. A repeat visit is requested in no more than 3 months' time.
Puff Daddy (social worker, undercover)