Monday 27 April 2009

America trip: Part 2

I know, what a long time away from blogging! No excuse. At least with the Twitter updates there have been no fears of my death.

Back up to our America trip. After our time at the beach, we went to visit JF & co in Salt Lake City. We all had a great time, but Foxy had a FANTASTIC time. He was exposed to dogs, and he LOVED them.

This was a really good thing because I don't want him to pick up my fear and loathing. When I was little, if there was a dog within 20 feet my Dad would pick me up and start yelling at the owner. Strange how I'm just that bit fearful. Our first afternoon, we even had a suburban dream trip:

Did I mention the dog wash was part of a strip mall? Imagine how hard it was to pass up this opportunity right next door:

Foxy also had his first sled ride, just 10 mins drive away from my sister's house. Still not sure how this is possible, as it was sunny and around 65. Absolutely glorious:

Best of all, Foxy got to play with his cousins. He found a hero to worship, and his name is Sam. He wanted to be right next to him all the time, too cute:

Can't wait to see (most) of them again really soon. My niece is even thinking of going to University in the UK or Ireland! I am going to show her around my esteemed place of employment. I'm sure she would enjoy daily lunch dates with her super-cool Auntie ;-)

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