Monday 30 January 2012

Happy Birthday Tom!

Tom's 1st birthday is actually tomorrow, but we celebrated over the weekend.

Readers, all 3 of you, you will be very pleased to hear that Oxford Grandma was in residence, and she brought her camera.

It was a lovely family party. Oh so much more fun for the adults when we outnumber the children, and we are related to them all. I hope we'll be able to get away with it for two more of Tom's birthdays. Just sayin'.

I'm not usually one for sentimentality, but really, how damned lucky are we?

HOWEVER. What is with everyone saying that they can't believe it's been a whole year since Tom was born? All those people who talk about how the time flies when your kids are young -- ARE YOU ALL SMOKING CRACK? I love my kids and all, and I wouldn't want things any different, but these have been the S.L.O.W.E.S.T 4 years of my life.

1 comment:

JaneLL said...

Beautiful children -- thanks for sharing. Cake looked yummy. Happy Birthday, Thomas.