Tuesday 23 September 2008

Bad Morning

Strong as the temptation is to present a perfect life via the blog, the urge to get this past morning out of my system is stronger.

I have never been a morning person. I struggle. It was the biggest reward in stopping breastfeeding. I wonder if Foxy is such a good sleeper because he knows that I need my sleep in order for EVERYONE to be happy.

Anyway. Our mornings have been going pretty well, it works well for us all to get ready and leave at the same time. Usually that's possible, but not always. This morning I was not ready in time. On Tuesdays the cleaner comes. Yes, I feel the need to have the house tidy for the cleaner, mock all you want, but she is a CLEANER, not a housekeeper.

Another 15 minutes was all I needed. Foxy could play in his pen, it was going to be no problem. He must have fallen over or something, because he was rapidly NOT happy. And he had done a HUGE messy poop. He is not an easy boy to dress these days. At least not when you are in a hurry. He detects the tension and makes it ten times worse. Then I start shouting and carrying on, it really gets ugly.

I hate myself for getting that way. It is so maladaptive. I need to stop these diatribes I have (mostly yelling at myself for being a terrible mother) before Foxy can really understand them. I really admire Nearest & Dearest. She has NOT ONCE lost her patience with the boy.

We recovered of course, and I was only 30 minutes late. Like it really matters.

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