Sunday 1 January 2012

Bloody Blogpress

This is the first day of my commitment to blogging every day in 2012. Annoyingly, I wrote said post in car, and saved it to my phone for later posting. Now the app crashes every time I try to access drafts. Grr.

Still, I am undeterred. (Speller just tried to auto correct to undermined. Universe, f*** you.)

Anywho. We started the New Year as we mean to go on. Boys down the pub for Sunday lunch. They fit in so well.

How much less flattering are my normal clothes in comparison to the tiger?

My resolutions are pretty much set, but I'm still in search of a motto for 2012. Hmmm.


JF said...

hugely excited to hear that you will be a mad blogger in 2012. I promise to be a mad reader.

Anne Richards said...

Not wishing to be left behind, I, too, will blog with greater frequency.