Monday 19 May 2008


It's a well known fact that guilt & motherhood go hand in hand. What surprises me is that I don't feel guilty about a lot of things that I thought I would feel guilty about (e.g., creche - no guilt whatever, LOVELY middle-aged sensible women and not too many babies seemingly having a nice time; letting Foxy watch some telly & eat some things with sugar).

So why, oh why, so I feel so damn guilty about stopping breastfeeding? I HATE the breastfeeding mafia - hate them, hate them, hate them. I am sure that they are responsible for my very sore bb's, 4 whole days after the last feed. I have seen the work of the mafia, turning lovely sane women into self-depricating shells of their former selves. I vowed never to let the mafia get hold of me, and have been vigilant in protecting others from their evil ways. Still, I hear their voices in my head, taunting me that I should have tried harder.

Luckily, Foxy battles no such demons and is very happily thriving.


JF said...

This brings back such vivid memories. When I recall the herculean efforts I went to and the guilt... I can't forget the look on the lactation person's face when my blood tests came back and I had the "prolactin level of a man". Well, the ignominy - what sort of woman am I!!!! so, be strong - don't let the guilt mongers get to you.

Homestead Mom said...

Diva, I think it is amazing that you have had a damn good run for as long as you have. You should have no regrets. Your body is just taking its time to catch up with your brain. Mine does this all the time. Your bosom is simply overzealous.

I'm so sorry you are suffering. Insult to injury, for certain.