Tuesday 10 June 2008

More Guilt

So, yesterday was Foxy's full day at creche. By full day I mean I dropped him off at 9:45 (I let him continue his nap in the car while I worked on my laptop, how lame), had him for an hour over lunch, and picked him up again at 4:30. Still, the longest he had been in previously was 2.5 hours, so this was a big day.

I thought all had gone swimmingly, he was very good natured during his tea, naked noodle time, bath, bottle, stories. Then I put him to bed. He usually just, well, falls asleep. And we start enjoying our evening. Oh no. He cried, and cried, and cried some more. Nearest & Dearest went to check on him because I was finding it distressing. He had been sick, and we decided to just have him sleep in his baby grow. Then he got his leg caught between the bars. An hour after being put to bed, finally he cried himself to sleep.

Now, it was also HOT last night, probably the hottest it has been. So was he crying because of his stressful day or because he was hot? Dunno. In some irrational bid to assuage my guilt, I spent the entire evening making baby food. Even though he prefers the jars, they seem wholesome enough, and I don't even think the cost works out that much more.

This lunchtime I dragged the boy into town and bought a sheet sleeping bag. Hopefully that will do the trick.

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