Monday 3 November 2008


OK, I am clearly in the mood for writing this morning. I have definitely noticed over the past few weeks that Foxy and I are at the beginning of a tricky patch. In general, 12 - 24 months is my least favourite period of childhood. It seems to me that you have a totally mobile, clueless, but willful ball of energy to contend with. It's too early for bribes, star charts, and the like to help mould behaviour, and you can no longer simply put the child in the appropriate position, place, etc. Certainly this part is especially challenging for me because I love order, and I really value compliance in children. Plenty of people think a little naughtiness is a sign of spark, and actually LIKE some cheek. I am not one of those people.

In the grand scheme of things, the sleep thing which causes so many parents so much grief is easy for me because I do not mind when Foxy cries, if I think it is in all of our best interests. Take just now. The boy is TIRED. He went for a nap and then woke up 20 minutes later. No. I think not. He cried for 15 minutes and is now asleep again. It's not pleasant, but I can do that, and I have a pretty good sleeper. But what to do about his hissy fits over nappy & clothes changes. I HATE getting into the wrestling match. It goes against every fibre of my being, as it is like I'm arguing with him, and that is just too dumb for words. Still, the clothes must go on, so I end up rugby tackling when distraction doesn't work and/or I loose my temper.

I hope this does not last till he's 3. All else is good, but boy do I dread a full nappy.

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