Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Rock & Roll

If you can't beat em, join em. Sian's not crafty, but she's found the next best thing. Puzzling.

It's nice listening to music instead of watching telly sometimes.

My shawl kick continues. I am totally in love with this pattern (damson, ysolda) and the yarn (noro), even though I have had to rip back twice, and the yarn is so crunchy it verges on scratchy.

I know, Rock & Roll, right?

5 more sleeps.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Dear Evenings,

I have so enjoyed our time together, all that "free" time of telly and knitting has been wonderful. Sadly, that time must be chopped down to half its original size. You see, Evenings, much as I love you, I love Sleep even more. Mornings have been waging war for some six months now, and I am defeated. Mornings, you win. Evenings and I are the losers. I am not gracious in defeat, but I have no fight left.

Evenings, I hope we can resume our lengthy affair one day, but I understand if you decide it's time to move on. I could be consumed with Mornings for several years.

Love always,
Harry's Mum

Monday, 17 January 2011

Definitely 2

Once upon a time, some 6 years ago, Sian and I decided that we would like to have children. 3 of them. I was going to have 2, Sian 1. I started a go-slow at work, and years of fertility treatment ensued. After Harry was a born, I knew I was done. 4 rounds of IVF was no picnic, I took the hint.

We we starting to think 2 would be enough, but still rather liked the chaotic mad idea of 3. Then it took an age for Sian to get her operations, and instead of a <2 year gap, we have a 3+ year gap. And we are seriously sub-fertile. 2 is enough. Plus, we are not fans of pregnancy. And children are a little tiring in middle age.

So we have been pretty set (and feel extremely lucky) on 2. Until one day in September. Sian says, "Maybe 3?" I said, "If you want to, you go for it." but inwardly I screamed ARE YOU CRAZY?

The thing is, we were here:

All of our meals were cooked for us. Our one child was looked after every morning and evening. We had nothing to do but enjoy ourselves.

About a day after we got home, Sian was emptying the dishwasher, "You know what I said about 3 children? Forget it."


Friday, 14 January 2011

Red Letter Day

All 3 of us had a great day. I lost a couple of pounds, so I am on track with my Resolutions. Harry earned a James engine for several decent nights of sleep. Not all in a row you understand, and our goal at this point is six o'clock, but still. This morning was 6:24 and I was ecstatic.

Sian had the biggest red letter day though. It was her LAST DAY at work. Bloody marvellous. I am a little jealous. She's certainly looking and feeling done. Still cooking, thankfully:

Here's a closer look:

She still weighs less than I do :-/

Monday, 10 January 2011

Monday Morning Reset

When Harry and I manage to catch the early bus (goodness knows our mornings start early enough), I treat myself to a little sit down with my morning coffee before going to my office. The view is nice:

The coffee us decent, and I'm loving this very easy knitting. The wool is so soft, I am confident that even my super sensitive neck will be happy in this:

In other news, just 3 more weeks till C-Day. This morning Sian is learning to breastfeed with a teddy. Hmmm. Also, we have potty training progress. Both poops in the pot this weekend! Woo-hoo!

Have a great Monday everyone.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Tea Party

For a normal child, this would not be newsworthy. Have a close look at these photos:

Harry is playing with something OTHER than trains! He did this for about 15 minutes! Amazing.

Many thanks to Mathilda for this most excellent tea set.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


I had a wonderful day. Being back at work felt good, and I left a very happy boy at his new preschool class. Too cute, he's the smallest by a bit of a margin. Makes the nappy thing seem less backward I think.

Anyway. I started three new knitting projects today. First, I cast on a very boring black ribbed scarf. This is for my brother in law, it will match the hat I made him last Christmas. I ordered the yarn before we decided to draw names this year, so he will have it as an unseasonable birthday gift.

The saving grace is that the yarn is lovely, and as my at-work project, I can get it done a few rows at a time over many months. Not sure it's wide enough though, how many inches across for a manly scarf? This is only 6 inches...

This evening Sian went out so I played with my yarn stash, listened to people talking about knitting. Perfect masturbation for a middle-aged lesbian, no?

I cast on a very simple cowl that will be my take along project:

Doesn't look like much I know, but it's Malabrigo, and the colour is emerald. Swoon.

Finally, I started a Damson shawlette. A little more challenging knitting for home:


Tuesday, 4 January 2011


I know, already a day without blogging and it's only January 4th! I was too busy having a breakdown yesterday. We had 9 days of post Christmas festivities, and I was determined to get Harry potty trained and sleeping till 6:30. Yesterday he got up at 5:30 and pissed in our bed by 10. I was beside myself.

What a waste of a holiday. We haven't been going out, and as a result I have become bored and cranky, Harry has been watching too much telly, and been rather unpleasant.

No more. We went out yesterday and it was wonderful. Everyone happy again. Far more important than shitting in a pot I think. Never again will I keep us at home unless we are ill. Life's too short.

A dear old friend of Sian's came to stay as well. It's nice to hear favourable comparisons about your child. Were all healthy and happy, and very proficient with the iPad.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Tomten Baby Jacket

I'm making the cutest ever little hoodie for the baby. I have 1.5 more sleeves to go.

It's my first Elizabeth Zimmerman project, and I am in love.

As for potty training, there were no accidents today, but no poo either. We couldn't stand being house bound any longer so we put the prince back in a nappy and went out. It was worth it.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Leading the Horse to Water

I love me some crafting. I have been looking forward to being able to do little crafty projects with Harry, baking and the like. I have many fond memories of projects with my elder English niece and nephew. Now, I must admit that Harry is old enough, he just doesn't like it. It was a clue when the crèche were thrilled with his artwork one day because he had spent a whole minute on it. Even baking does not hold his attention, beyond the eating.

Giving it one last try, I set us up to make a paper chain. One link per day until the baby comes. He was not even tempted by Thomas stickers. Unbelievable. Anyway, Sian and I enjoyed ourselves.

We did have a great time playing hide and seek on a run around the block. Much more his style. And we all enjoy a little too much of this:

Happy New Year!

I had a lovely New Year's Eve. Friends had us over, and we ate great food and played GAMES. I love games. And I positively preened because our host enforced very strict rules. It was heavenly. I also drank too much Champagne. Ah well.

In the interests of full disclosure I must also report that Harry was so angry at being put to bed at our friend's house that he actually punched me in the nose. I was absolutely flabbergasted. There is serious work to do with that boy in the next month. Sian's c-section is scheduled for January 31st. Potty training and sleep training are both going painfully slowly. Eek. With any luck the preschool will help on both counts.

Anyway. Onto Resolutions! I love a resolution or 3:

1. Blog every day.
2. Buy only replacement items, no new toys (for me).
3. Loose weight.