Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

I had a lovely New Year's Eve. Friends had us over, and we ate great food and played GAMES. I love games. And I positively preened because our host enforced very strict rules. It was heavenly. I also drank too much Champagne. Ah well.

In the interests of full disclosure I must also report that Harry was so angry at being put to bed at our friend's house that he actually punched me in the nose. I was absolutely flabbergasted. There is serious work to do with that boy in the next month. Sian's c-section is scheduled for January 31st. Potty training and sleep training are both going painfully slowly. Eek. With any luck the preschool will help on both counts.

Anyway. Onto Resolutions! I love a resolution or 3:

1. Blog every day.
2. Buy only replacement items, no new toys (for me).
3. Loose weight.

1 comment:

Anne Richards said...

Why is it that bad boy always looks so cute?