Thursday 20 January 2011

Dear Evenings,

I have so enjoyed our time together, all that "free" time of telly and knitting has been wonderful. Sadly, that time must be chopped down to half its original size. You see, Evenings, much as I love you, I love Sleep even more. Mornings have been waging war for some six months now, and I am defeated. Mornings, you win. Evenings and I are the losers. I am not gracious in defeat, but I have no fight left.

Evenings, I hope we can resume our lengthy affair one day, but I understand if you decide it's time to move on. I could be consumed with Mornings for several years.

Love always,
Harry's Mum

1 comment:

Anne Richards said...

One day he will be a teenager. That's when you get your own back.