Sunday 6 April 2008

Foxy Pictures

The Fox loves his teddy bear. It's an extra-special bear picked out by a very discerning South-West London 3-year-old. His Mum knows who I'm talking about :).

Here, the Fox is receiving tuition in style from our long-time friend who lives in Geneva. She has two older boys, and we have her to thank for about half of Foxy's clothes. This is why he looks so damn fine.

This is Foxy's very special rainbow snake -- what could be more appropriate for the first-born into a rainbow family? This came from a very special Israeli friend of ours. I have a terrible habit of planning to write heart-felt thank-you cards, and not getting around to it before the gift-giver is forced to ask me whether or not I received the gift. Yes, we did receive the lovely gifts, and the snake is one of Foxy's favourites now that he can grab at things and pull them around. Many, many thanks!

I believe I am now the only family member still dressing in velour. Looking at this photo, I can see why it is no longer in fashion.

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